Sunday, July 10, 2005

From Granbury, Texas

Never say never...I commandeered a computer to let the blogreaders know the suprise was complete. What a blast. Six hours, sixty people and lots of fun. Lots of work. They did not have a clue as they walked in the door and saw Aleene standing there...then the jig was up. Oh, not just the, another sixty plus folks are descending on your abode in two hours.

There were people from FAA days, American Airline days, neighbors, friends from San Antonio, Austin, Hurst, Keller...all over the place. The weather was a cool 90 with a lake breeze blowing under the oak trees on their huge waterside deck. It was great.

Today we had coffee early and just returned from breakfast. Fortunately, they do not have any plans for the next two days and they will be able to get us to the airport...if the weather in Memphis cooperates.

Elaine (their daughter), Amanda (their grand daughter) pulled off the consumate suprise 50th anniversary party...great job.

Stay posted...we got another call on the condo, so who knows where that will lead? Like the others, this is a referral from folks who already live there. Never under estimate the word of mouth for selling....

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