Friday, November 03, 2006


PNW is known for its weather. At the risk of sounding redundant to report on weather one more time, I feel I need to comment on what is happening today.

We had a long, dry, moderate temperatures this summer and fall. It was great. We have been here in October before and it seemed to rain a lot. So for us to think that our fall was normal is a bit skewed.

In November the average monthly total rainfall is over 5" here. Today is the third and we are fast approaching that number. The good news is that it warmed is about 62 this morning. We walked in the rain...and sweat ourselves drippy since we bundled too much.

My nephew, Greg, from Minnesota called this morning to say MN was 20 degrees and clear...and...that a buddy of his who also is a trucker reported that I-94 in Michigan was a mess yesterday as they had white-out conditions and a twelve mile backup. I'll take sixty and rain any day. Of course Arizona is listed as warm....

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