Saturday, August 26, 2006

Saturday night in Newberg

Saturday night in Newberg

They change the population signs coming into town every year. Not surprisingly, it is going up. The population went over 20,000 this year. We are part of that, of course. We have not been in a position to get to know too many of the 20K. We know a bunch at church and some of Amy and Bren’s friends, but we are doing ok.
We got a local bank this week…Wells Fargo. We needed a safe deposit box, so broke down and set up an account. That is part of fitting into the community. We had to have some of our legal things notarized, so Wells Fargo does that for free if you are a customer, so it makes sense to have an affiliation locally. Wells Fargo must have bought an old local back, because their vault is out of the 1940s or earlier and WF while not new here, has not always been in town. So when I step inside of the vault to unlock my box I think I am in the old LS&T building in New Castle fifty years ago.
We went for a walk after supper…ended up at The Cottage. So we sipped a beverage while I made some calls.  Talked to Shirley, who was with Carolyn at Jane’s while J&T were on a theatre train trip. Carolyn was dog sitting. Got caught up there; Amber is going into her senior year at Wisconsin. Whew…seems like yesterday we were visiting Joe and Shirley and Amber was ripping around the back yard as a six or seven year old.  Well, that was fifteen years ago. She is a sweetie.
We walked home and the NFL is on with two games tonight…love this west coast TV.

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