Sunday, May 07, 2006

The guest room is ready

Whew, what a job. Boxes are everywhere, but little by little we are making headway.

We went to church this morning and our pastor, who was born in Scotland, told of her paternal side being shepherds...fitting for Shepherd Sunday, the fourth Sunday after Easter...but when she described the scene in the mountains of central Scotland, she included three or four Border Collies. Both Aleene and I struggled with that. That was the only down moment. It was good to be back and pick up where we left off four weeks ago.

Following church I napped for about a half hour, trying to catch up from rugged days and time changes. Then we got the spare bedroom/playroom ready for the kids and are slowly getting the rest of the house habitable. There is no timeline, but we had a scare with the hot water heater yesterday (it blew a fuse for some reason) and it is burried behind 100 boxes. I got it back on, but I am not sure why it blew a fuse so to safe, we did a reshuffle of our piles.

The truck goes back tomorrow morning after I give it its last drink of #2 diesel. The depot is about twelve miles from here over some of the most beautiful roads in the county. There are hills and winding roads and farms and trees...and, I might add...some pricey houses, too. So, the last 12 miles will be serene, albiet close tollerance driving.

Bren is off to Boise, ID for a few days (the GF campus there) so Amy is bringing the kids over while she runs him to the airport, which is a 45 min. drive on a Sunday afternoon. So we are ready for them with toys and books in Tru's old bedroom, now their play room. Yes, this is what we made the move for; to watch these little tykes grow.

You have not heard the last of my dog stories yet. I ran into an article I wrote for the USBC magazine six years ago, by chance as I was unpacking my stuff, and I may share it with you in a week or two...not now; too much to type. Anyway, the dog who would try to do anything I asked of her is much on my mind today. But to be honest, I do not miss having to wipe off her feet when she comes in the is raining today.

The welcome mat is out for any who venture to travel to the NW.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uncle Tom,
I am so, so sorry for your loss of Rose. She leaves an eternal paw print on your hearts. jf