Saturday, November 12, 2005

It has been a while

I worked a couple of days this week and found the experience to be exhausting. I do not know how you full time people do it. But do keep it up. We are putting another member of the family on social security next week and you need to do your part.

We load a trailer for Gaylord this morning and head north. My friend from H&C, Bob Schippers, is going to help me to load. Bob is the HR guy there. He is also a golfer. I still have some plays on my discount card, so I told Bob that the card is his. It is not likely that I will play much in the future here and definately will not be playing with outsiders...and he can make good use of

Rose is doing much better. She is going to Jeff and Mary's while we are in OR. Our hope is that she continues to do well. I am sure they are hoping the same.

I went to the Becky Thomas funeral yesterday. Becky was a fellow teacher at FMS. She would have been 55 today. I am not sure of the reason for her death. Her husband Jim said that she had been ill and did not go to doctors or hospitals because she had a bad experience with them. He said she lost a lot of weight the last couple of months, then just slept away. There was a big crowd. I was taken by the make up of the group. Becky was a professional woman and well respected for her intelligence and wit. The racial make up was probably 50/50. She functioned well in both cultures and her friends showed that. Unfortuanately, that is rare. We would like to see those who are of a differenct culture to be more like us, I guess, but the testimonies given indicated that Becky was true to her roots and to her public. That is tough to expect from everyone. And I guess that is what made Becky special.

I saw most of the old seventh grade FMS staff there. We are mostly/all retired and have the time to attend afternoon funerals. But it was a testimony to Becky, which is the way it should be.

We leave Tuesday for Portland so we do not have much time to pack on Monday. And I will be working two days there...staying in a hotel and trying to give the folks their money's worth. Fun.
The meetings are at the World Trade Center in Portland. I gotta find that sucker when we fly in on Tuesday. National Car Rental ended up with the lowest Price Line bid which surprised me. Usually it is Budget or Dollar or the We Pick You Up people...Enterprise, oh yes.

Anyhow, I am off for the weekend. Blessings to all.


SLB said...

Mrs. Thomas' funeral was so packed, I'm surprised I didn't see you there. She was one of my favorite 7th grade teachers ( notice I said one...) She helped me deal with a lot of teenage issues I was having with my Mom. Have a safe trip!

Brendon said...

No worries on finding the WTC--it's right on the waterfront, can't miss it. There are plenty of hotels within walking distance of the WTC as well. Check google: