Thursday, April 14, 2005

Mark Kneram is in the thick of it...

This is a link to a TV channel in the Ft Hood Texas area that quotes Mark as he works with Iraqi National Guardsmen. For those who do not know, Mark is Jeff and Amy's cousin (Aleene's brother Willie's son) who is Jeff's age. He is really stationed out of Ft Drum, NY with the 10th Mountain Division, but gets these independent assignments. Mark grew up in New Castle and went to the Army as a out, graduated from Pitt and while there went into the National Guard and was commissioned. He went back into the regular Army following graduation and has made it a career. He has almost 20 years in combined service and show no signs of getting out. He married Wendde DeNofrio, also from New Castle and they have three children...two boys and a girl. Mark went through Ranger school back when, so he is strictly a foot soldier, now as a Lt. Col. he is a leader.


Anonymous said...

LTC K was my BN S3 then XO at 10th MTN DIV. I went to Iraq and he hired me on as one of his team chiefs for the MiTT he ran. Working with him has been one of the best experiances in my life. What a great boss. My learning curve was steep in the 8 months I was with him and we got to see some sides of Iraq most Soldiers doidn't see. If you see him, tell him a former Captain of his said he was "Cool as hell". He will know who I am.

Anonymous said...

Im his son. Patrick. Im pretty awesome. I just wanted to post that. He might be cool. But im most definetly cooler.