Friday, June 19, 2009

What a difference a day makes

From the Pacific Coast...

True to PNW form, the soft rain moved in last night to change the way our vacation here goes on. When we walked this morning, we were the only ones. Yesterday the beach was busy and 15 boat trailers were parked in the sand. Today, nada. The wind was out of the west this morning and the ocean was somewhat angry. We walked anyway.

The ocean frequently churns up all kinds of "stuff" that it has within it. This week there is an abundance of crab; shells, claws, legs, everything, everywhere. The skeletons must have been here for a while because the gulls are not picking them. Funny, since we have not see so much crab around here before.

We experienced a first this morning. On our walk south we spotted the carcass of a duck-like foul just at the waterline. We did not turn it over but could see its webbed feet and white belly. Fifteen minutes later on our return north, there was a vulture doing its thing. Never have seen a vulture on the beach. Ah yes, nature doing its thing.

After our 40 min walk we went to the espresso place, Stimulus, and ordered up a sugar-free, non-fat latte. We sat outside and sipped it slowly. Life is good.

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