Saturday, September 02, 2006

Really Sam

We got a phone call from a dear Michigan friend last night…former boss and colleague, a teacher, coach and mentor. He didn’t reveal himself to Aleene, who was expecting someone else to return my call, so when I came on the phone he announced himself as the president of the Michigan chapter of my fan club. How long do you think it took me to know who I was speaking to?
It was good to hear his voice and to get the report of his successful surgery and that his “sweetie pie” was making good progress.
He said it was reported to him that we were in the almost perfect situation. I explained to him how perfect it was.
At 4:45 Amy called asking if we had dinner plans. They were going to walk to one of the Mexican restaurants down town and wanted us to join them. Se we set out and met them just two blocks from our place and continued another two blocks to the restaurant.
We had our repast and then headed back the same route we had just traversed. It was difficult to part, on the corner of College and Third. We were still gabbing when Aleene announced she had cookies. That was all it took…they came our way and we sat on the deck in the refreshingly warm evening air, ate cookies and played with the boys. They went home about seven.
That is why we moved here. That is as good as it gets when it comes to spending relaxing evenings.
Truman starts to school on Tuesday and the fall schedule begins. More adventures for everyone.
Yep, Sam, we do have an almost perfect situation.

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