Friday, February 04, 2005

Aleene heading home

Got the last message from Du-momma last night (I suspect). They finish work Friday, go to Managua to play and prepare to return and fly out on Sunday morning. The return trip is back through Huston, to Chicago and then to GR at 8:05 p.m....February 6. Now what is also going on at that time? Eagles and the Pats...that's what. But I will forego whatching my first SB in thirty nine years to pick up bride of 40 years...she's worth it. It might be different if the Stillers were playing.

Rose is ready...she was just telling me this morning that I am boring. Oh well, I make her do stuff and she would rather just sleep. She has had a problem walking on our laminate floor in the kitchen...why? Long nails I think. But even though they have been clipped, she balks at any journey across the hard surface.

Last night I brought her back in from outside and we played find the dog buscuit game. I tell her to go hide and she goes over to the top of the stairs and lies down. Then I put a doggie biscuit some place in the kitchen....could be anywhere, but last night I put it on the step stool (Aleene always has to have a step stool) which would make Miss Dog traverse the laminate floor. Well, when I told her to come look she stood and balked and walked back and forth and finally crept out onto the laminate. She went slowly (which is not normal) and used her nose...again out of the ordinary...and found the cookie in about a second. She took it to the carpet runner in front of the front door and ate it. But she would not come back across the how. I told her I was going to bed and she could come when she got ready.

I woke up about 2:00 a.m. and sure enough she was sleeping next to me (on the floor). So she had made it back into the bedroom, but I didn't hear her...whatadog.

A couple of notes:
Reta Heller is not doing well.
Rik Fleming had 5 1/2 surgery on his back...fusion of three vertabrae, bone from his hip and them some rods and screws...
Kara's Brent will be back in MI next weekend. He has had seven months in Iraq. Kara and Lori are going to Battle Creek to learn how to treat them when they re-enter.
I got my taxes done...yea.

See you later, bye.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Thanks for the notes on what's been happenin' and who is in the hospital. I'll add them to my list too. Thanks for the notes on Du. I'm starting evenings today, will call on the weekend before I go into work.